Fascinating; thanks. Makes me wonder who actually gave the talk... it would speak volumes about who's got the most clout amongst the 7 gerontocrats sitting in the seat of Moses. Or was it a "show-of-solidarity" symposium?
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
"Be Successful in Coping with Change" - Notes from a special talk given after Watchtower Study at Brooklyn Bethel December 5, 2011
by wannabefree inthese are notes passed on to me, i thought i would share.. .
be successful in coping with change.
special talk given after watchtower study at brooklyn bethel december 5, 2011. monday night - monday night we had a special lecture to attend after study of the watchtower entitled "be successful in coping with change".
CO visit. New light
by 2tone inif you want to skip to the new light or understanding, its underlined for you pleasure.
i think some will find this interesting.
we had the co tonight.
Room 215
The more they stir the pot, the murkier it gets... (yawn)
I have never felt at home at a bar
by sabastious inlast night i went to the casino for a friends birthday, we played blackjack and some slots, it was a 6.5/10 on the fun scale type of night.
i got up from the blackjack table to go to the bar to get myself a drink.
i sat down at the bar and ordered my favorite drink: a long island iced tea.
Room 215
Why should anyone ever feel at home at a bar?
When will They Ever Learn? Probably Never
by Room 215 in... that most humans, including - and especially jws -- yearn for normalcy in their lives -- some harmless enjoyment of life's pleasures, a measure of recognition and personal fulfillment for having lived an honorable, a sense of uniqueness and individuality, tolerance and respect for the individuality of others; a productive life of self-sufficiency; and the enjoyment of family and friends, especially in one's latter years.
all of this is denied them by an unremitting bombardment of guilt, mind-numbing repetition, thought control and behavior manipulation.
Room 215
... That most humans, including - and especially JWs -- yearn for normalcy in their lives -- some harmless enjoyment of life's pleasures, a measure of recognition and personal fulfillment for having lived an honorable, a sense of uniqueness and individuality, tolerance and respect for the individuality of others; a productive life of self-sufficiency; and the enjoyment of family and friends, especially in one's latter years. All of this is denied them by an unremitting bombardment of guilt, mind-numbing repetition, thought control and behavior manipulation.
2/15 WT - WTS Controls by Fear, Confusion, Separating Friends & Family
by flipper inonce again in a wt study article entitled " imitate jesus' example of watchfulness " the wt society tries to control jw members through fear mongering, confusing them by inconsistent and contradictory wording, and emphasizing devotion to wt society " sacred service " over devotion to family and friends.. we all know the wt society has always said that " nobody knows the day and hour " of the alleged armageddon - yet out of the same mouth the wt society claims to know the " day " of the end close enough to have duped people with 1975 and put fear into jw's that the " end " is " imminent" .
notice these quotes from paragraph 4 in this article.
it states, " in brief, jesus wants us to remain watchful because of what we know and what we do not know.
Room 215
Want a job that will cause you to miss meetings? Just apply for Bethel, especially for the work on their building projects.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-01-2012 WT Study (OWN UNDERSTANDING)
by blondie indo not lean upon your.
own understanding.
a young.
Room 215
What is this obsession with pornogrqaphy? Most sociologists regards it as innocuous fantasizing. Why is it such a problem among people who devote so much of their conscious existence wrapped up in meeting attendance, Bible study and the public ministry?
I also love the advice in paragraphs 13 which exhorts the reader to "ask, ask ask" God (Bethel? the elders?) every single time he/she faces a recurrent challenge... who does one ask? The elders? I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard an elder bemoan the childish inability of the friends to base their decisions on clear-cut "Bible principles" rather than run to them for guidance.
By the way: just how does/did God communicate his answers to David, Hezekiah, Hannah, etc. anyway?
March 15, 2012 WT: These times are more critical than when we last called them critical, honest!!
by MrMonroe injust sad.
"the christian ministry has always been urgent, but now it is more critical than ever.
" (page 18).. what follows is more of the same disgusting tripe: the same scare tactics (nuclear weapons, terrorists, climate change, hurricanes, wars) that made me join in 1985 when the world was on the brink of nuclear armageddon.
Room 215
"Such a war would leave few if any survivors."_.... you mean, kinda like .. Armageddon? _
Watchtower 15/3/12 "Do Not Look At The Things Behind"
by BluesBrother inthere have been a couple of threads about this issue.
if this has been covered, then i am sorry, but:.
the article warns against looking back with fondness for the "good old days" don't they always do that with the "critical times we live in?
Room 215
" Do you fantasize about what could have happened had you not made those sacrifices?" Yeah, sure ... over my second double Scotch at the local gin mill!
Question about unbaptized publishers
by camicia inmy daughter has been an unbaptized publisher for several months and has decided this religion is not for her.
i tried to tell her before she got involved that it isn't but she had to learn this on her own.
she doesn't want to be an unbaptized publisher anymore, but hasn't committed any sin to be removed.
Room 215
... what a nightmare all of this has become (sigh)....
Zen's Rant on Ayn Rand - intelligent responses appreciated
by Dogpatch incheck out http://youtu.be/_rtl0g851ic.
this is also at the freeminds channel at:.
Room 215
One man's opinion: I reserved judgment on her as a human being; but IMHO, her "masterpiece" Atlas Shrugged is one of the most overwrought, overwritten and overrated novels ever. It seldom -- if ever -- rises above the level of a Saturday-Matinee-at the-movies serial.